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Bibliography and Suggested Reading

Bibliography Nov 12.pdf


Pg 2 Bibliography Nov 12.pdf

Click on the Bibliography to enlarge.  Some references may be of interest to those wanting to learn more about Galveston. 

Special Thanks to:

Margaret Canavan

Sheron Evans

Mikey Isbell

Christine Plum 

Rudy Sendejas

Chris Smith

Bobby Stanton

Janice Stanton

Photo Credits 

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Leah Garcia-Blanco

Ernest McKelroy

Galveston and Galveston Mardi Gras Facebook pages

Galveston Historic Foundation

The Library of Congress

Nancy Flint-Budde

Exhibit created by Nancy Flint-Budde

Nancy moved to Galveston in December 2019. She lives in Williams-Borden and is a member of the WBNA. She is currently enrolled in a certificate program in Historic Preservation through the University of Kentucky.