Homes in Williams-Borden
The following pages exhibit a sampling of homes in the Williams-Borden Neighborhood, including Galveston City Landmarks and/or buildings listed on the Texas and National Registers of Historic Places. Galveston architect Nicholas Clayton, John Staub, Cameron Fairchild and Raymond R. Rapp all built notable homes here.
The city of Galveston encourages the landmarking of significant historic properties in order to protect and preserve them. Several are included in this exhibit, however space does not allow every Williams-Borden landmark and historic property to be included. You are encouraged to explore all of the landmarks via the link provided below.
The link also details the criteria for Galveston Landmark status. The Online Landmark Story Map highlights all of the landmarked properties. Williams-Borden is located in the Southwest Galveston area on that map.
Galveston Landmark Criteria and Interactive Map
While these historic homes draw a lot of attention as people stroll through Williams- Borden, other homes featured in this exhibit are examples of typical Galveston architecture. Many of these homes, built during the early part of the 20th century, retain their original detail and have become popular as second home and investment properties.
Craftsman style influences are apparent but these houses also share a certain Galveston specific design, or vernacular. Homes were often built two or three at a time on adjacent subdivided lots and you can see this as you stroll along the streets of Williams-Borden.
The examples given encourage you to consider how these colorful homes contribute to the overall character of Williams-Borden - and how we might, as a community, preserve them.